Tuesday, April 04, 2006


1. Dear god grant me the strength
to destroy the things I can destroy,
words to deface the things I can't,
and wisdom to get away with it.

2. This is for the space between words, the slow
fall of mountains leaving the remains of giants.
There are wars we remember that took place in
our back yards, days when we thought we moved
backwards. The storyline has only been suggested,
through hints of color, and weather mentioned in passing.

3. I am so blown away by your concept of space.

4. There are images one gets lost in, images one
can breathe, a landscape in colors and stars,
the names you can’t remember. The clouds darken
over the sea surge. Seagulls climb on gusts of wind
as the night turns over into silence. The dream
of canyons, the dream of forgetting—I become
a new person, with no history, no origin, and a million
possible paths to take ahead of me, into the horizon.

5. What's wrong with your face?